Bajaj has already hiked the price of Dominar 400 by around Rs 6,000. The Pulsar range has been affected by the latest price hike as well. The Avenger range continues to be priced the same as before. After increasing the prices of the Dominar 400 and the entire Pulsar range , Bajaj has now hiked the prices of its entire model lineup. Interestingly, while the Avenger range has been unaffected, the CT100 KS Alloy is now around Rs 2,200 more affordable than before, at Rs 33,997 (ex-showroom Delhi). Also read: 2020 Bajaj Pulsar 150 Spied Testing As of now, there’s no word from the company about the price hike, but we expect it to be due to rising input costs. However, we will update you once we get an official word from the company. In case you were thinking of buying a new Bajaj motorcycle, here’s the revised price list of all Bajaj models: CT100 KS Spoke CBS Rs 33,402 CT100 KS Alloy CBS Rs 33,997 CT100 ES Alloy CB...