Watch Video Review Priced at Rs 65,000 (ex-showroom Pune), the Storm 125 is Aprilia’s least expensive scooter in the country. If you’re planning to buy one, here are all the finer details that you need to know before you write that cheque: Sleek Italian design: The Aprilia SR 125 and the Storm 125 share the same design scheme. That includes a sharp-looking apron with an apron-mounted headlamp, handlebar cowl-mounted indicators and slim side panels. Interestingly, the Storm 125 gets a single reflector and halogen bulb assembly instead of the SR 125’s twin-barrel unit. The headlamp is flanked by twin pilot lamps. Just like the SR 125, the Storm also features a twin pod analogue instrument cluster housing the fuel gauge, speedometer, odometer and tell-tale lights. Both scooters miss out on a trip meter. However, in terms of paint, the Storm 125 gets a different finish compared to the SR 125. The Storm is offered in a matte paint scheme, either in yellow or red. Th...