New Pulsar 220F has been spotted at a dealership ahead of official launch. Entire Pulsar range, including 150, 180 and 220F get new graphics and underbelly fairing for 2019. Despite updates, pricing remains unchanged at Rs 98,694 for the Pulsar 220F and Rs 85,525 for the Pulsar 180 (both prices, ex-showroom Delhi). Two colour options are available for 220F: Blue and Red/Black. Bajaj had recently updated the Pulsar 150 range for 2019. And now, along with the Pulsar 180, the bikemaker has updated the Pulsar 220F as well. While Bajaj is yet to officially announce the update, the new 2019 Pulsar 220F was spotted at a dealership. Despite the updates, we were quoted the same pricing as the earlier Pulsar 220F which is Rs 96,422 (ex-showroom Pune). Cosmetic updates for the Pulsar 220F and Pulsar 180 include new graphics on the front fender, fairing, belly pan and tailpiece. Yes, both bikes get a belly pan fairing as well. They also get a faux carbon fibre finish on the centre panel....